Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Semi-Conductor Diode's VI Characteristics

The current that exists under reverse bias conditions is called reverse saturation current and may be represented by Is.
The general characteristics of a semiconductor diode can be represented by the Shockleys’s equation for forward bias and reverse bias regions.
ID = IS ( eVd/nVt  - 1 )
Where ID is the reverse saturation current. VD is the applied forward bias voltage. N is an ideality factor, function of operating conditions and physical construction, range is from 1 to 2 depending upon a  wide variety of factors. VT is the thermal voltage and is detemined by,
VT = kT/q, where k is Boltzmann’s constant which is equal to 1.38 * 10-23 J/K, T is the absolute temperature in kelvns, q is the magnitude of electronic charge.
ID = IS  eVd/nVt  - IS
Case 1. When VD is positive, ID =~ IS eVd/nVt
Case 2. When VD is negative, ID =~ -IS
Case 3. Wheb VD is zero, ID is also zero..
These quations can be easily plotted on a graph, because they contain only exponential function. So the semiconductor diode’s forward and reverse characteristics can be easily determined.

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